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Skin Preparation Instructions

For the best results, Paradise Airbrush Tanning highly recommends that fair skin competitors tan the day before the competition and the day of the competition. We give you 2 coats for each application to make sure you are stage appropriate because we know that stage lighting does lighten you up. Touch ups are fixing small smudges, water marks, lightened areas. Contact us today to book your appointment!

Pre Competition Tanning:

1.) For the best results, start gently exfoliating your entire body (do not harshly scrub) and moisturize every day the week of (It is best to start on Monday) your competition spray tan appointment. Don’t scrub hard because you will make tiny scratches on your skin and the color will adhere to those scratches and turn them really dark! We recommended using a loofah or exfoliating glove or exfoliating towel with a body wash or sugar, sea salt scrub. Don’t use exfoliates with oils in them! Moisturize afterward your shower using Aveeno lotion. The better condition your skin is in, the better your tan will look and develop.

* When exfoliating, pay special attention to your knees, elbows, hands, feet and heels. The better condition your skin is in, the better the tanning product will absorb, the more flawless your tan will look, and you will have a more even fade after your competition.

2.) Shaving or waxing must be done 24 hours before your tanning appointment, never on the day of your tan. If shaving, shave using hair conditioner. For better muscle definition, it's best to shave all body hair. Never use any hair removal products as they leave a rash.

*****Using a tanning bed or laying out in the sun to obtain a base tan can affect your spray tan by causing it to peel. We can only do our best to fix peeling skin, therefore it is best to avoid tanning beds and sunburns.

Day Of Getting Spray Tanned...DO NOT MOISTURIZE!!!

1.) GENTLY EXFOLIATE ONLY! Make sure to rinse off thoroughly.

2.) DO NOT put on any make-up, lotion, deodorant, perfume/cologne before or after your spray tan application. These products will affect your tan and the deodorant will turn your armpits and green! Ladies will be able to apply make up on show day because we will not spray tan their face.

*****For men, painting finger nails and toenails with a clear polish will avoid staining of your nails. We will provide a wet wipe to men and women as well to easily wiped off your nails after your tan application.

3.) Come to us with clean, dry skin wearing dark, loose fitting, or oversized clothing and flip flops. An oversized shirt and oversized drawstring (non elastic) waistband style sweatpants or lounge pants are best because they glide over your skin and won't ruin the development of the bronzer. Avoid stiff fabrics!! Tops that “easily” pull OVER your head are best, button up tops are okay too. Do Not Wear Jeans, tight tank tops, tight dresses, tennis shoes or socks!

4.) Women can be sprayed nude. If you have long hair, please remember to bring a tie back to keep hair off your shoulders and neck, if you forget we will provide. We will provide a hair cap for you to wear as well.

5.) Men may wear something smaller than their posing suit, if being sprayed nude is uncomfortable. For the best results, it is easier for us to spray without posing trunks. This is to prevent tan lines.

6.) A typical 2-coat application spray tanning session takes about 10 minutes for the application and dry time. We will dry you until you are dry.

7.) After your 1st tan has been applied, please plan to sleep in your loose, oversized clothing (long loose pants and a long sleeve or short sleeve t-shirt top) until the morning. This will eliminate any hand marks or skin-on-skin contact on your body during sleep. DO NOT SLEEP NAKED OR IN SHORTS AND A TANK TOP!!!! Be somewhat conscious of where/how you position yourself. For example, you don’t want your palms to be tanned or hand prints on your body so try to keep your hands away from your body. Try not to make skin-to-skin contact to avoid uneven markings, keep in mind that holding your arms in a bent position may create slight unevenness on the inner elbow. It will look like a white diamond shape.

8.) After your first tan session, DO NOT put on any deodorant, moisturizers, perfume/cologne until AFTER you rinse off on show day. 

******Competitors scheduled with us, please be respectful and bring an extra set of sheets and towels because the hotel will charge you if you get any tanning bronzers on their sheets.

*****Please discuss the use of ANY other tanning products used BEFORE your appointment with us. It is not good to mix different competition products. We are NOT responsible for poor results with mixing of products that we are unaware of. These specific skin prep instructions are to ensure you receive a flawless tan for your competition. We compete too and know what a good competition tan is. Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding these instructions.

If during your spray tan appointment and it has been determined that you have not followed our skin prep instructions, the client will assume ALL risks.


Questions Often Asked!

* When do I get my mani/pedi? No less than 24 hours before your first tanning session.

* How long before my first session should I wax? Get all waxing it done at least 24 hours prior to your first session. Make sure there is NO WAX residue left on your skin because it creates a barrier between your skin and the tanning solution. The wax residue is very hard to get off and the color will grab on to those patches and turn REALLY dark!

* Should I shave my entire body? Yes. Bronzers can clump hair together and cause beading of the tanning solution creating an uneven complexion. Shave 24 hours before your tanning session. Your skin needs to be in a calm state during the tan application. If your pores are inflamed from shaving too soon before your appointment, the color can sit in those pores and look like little dots on your skin.

* Do you tan my face? For women, yes on the day before your competition if you are getting 2 tans, it will blend much nicer when it comes time to apply your makeup. (make sure to wipe your face with a damp cloth before makeup application). For men, we tan on both days if getting 2 tans.

* What do I wear to my tanning session? Bring something VERY loose or oversized pants and t-shirt to wear afterwards. Zip ups, long loose pants, lounge pants, loose t-shirt top with short or long sleeves is preferred. NO TIGHT ELASTIC WAISTBANDS, NO LEGGINGS, NO TIGHT TANK TOPS OR DRESSES! No sweat pants with “nubby” elastic material. SMOOTH FABRIC LIKE VELOUR SWEAT PANTS that “hang” on your waist are good. A SHIRT THAT BUTTONS UP THE FRONT is good. Like a flannel etc. Bring flip flops to wear after. DO NOT SLEEP NAKED! Avoid skin on skin contact, your arms and legs should be covered to avoid any marks. Skin-on-skin contact can create imperfections that are not always fixable.

* Where/when do we get our oil/bikini bite done? If we are the official tanning company, at our booth at the venue is where our services will be. Oiling and Bikini Bite should be done about 30 minutes prior to your stage appearance. We will be backstage to help you with this. If we are not the official tanning company and are at your event, we will provide you with a small individual bottle.

* Men may wear a posing suit or something smaller than their posing suit, or tan nude to their tanning session. We also have men’s thongs available. Bodybuilders, it is best to tan nude to avoid tan lines.

* Women may (and should) tan nude to avoid tan lines.

* Wait as long as possible to put your suit on after your last tanning session!

* Women – when using the bathroom, line the seat with bath tissue and sit if you must…do not hover unless your an expert on not getting anything on your tan. We provide a portable female urinal. This will prevent lines from being created down your inner thighs. 


* Can I get touch-ups if I have water spots? Yes, please go to our tanning location and ask one of us.

* How much should I tip my Spray Tech? Whatever you feel. We love Yelp & Google Reviews. Tag us on instagram @powercomptanning or @Paradiseairbrushtanning




Post Tanning Info and Morning of Competition Tips

* Women, we will tan your face. If you are only getting one tanning session (tanning on Friday only), please wipe your face well the following morning using a damp cloth or baby wipe. This will give you a clean face for makeup application and avoids a “dirty, ashy” look.

* Do not apply deodorant!!! Even after we have tanned you, your armpits will turn green until after you shower. Do not shower before the show is over unless you are instructed to do so by our staff. You can use baby wipes to freshen up private areas and dust body powder under your arms if necessary.

* If there are minimal spots not near your posing suit that need touching up, come to us with your suits on. If however you do need touch-ups near your suit please come to us with your suits, bracelets, etc. off. If you are coming to us without your posing suit on please wear your loose clothing, so we can move as quickly as possible so we can get everyone taken care of in a timely manner.

* If for some reason you have an unforeseen incident and your tan is excessively disrupted when you wake up ( i.e excessive sweating, etc.) please contact us.

* On the day of the show we will have all competitors sign in with us for full body spray tans and then will have to tan according to who goes on stage first. Please get your spot touch-ups well before you ask us to glaze you.

* Ladies, make sure you are finished bending, stooping, sitting before you get bikini bite on your suit.

* Do your Pump-ups before coming to be glazed. Make sure to listen to the expediters so you know how to time yourself to be glazed and/or bikini bite applied. We will not be able to keep track of what class is going on stage at any given time, so please keep this in mind. DO NOT COME LAST MINUTE TO GET A TOUCH UP OR GLAZED.


*****After your competition, avoid all loofa/loofah gloves, pads and sponges when showering if you want to keep your tan.



So Here's The Break Down.....

APPOINTMENT #1 – First Competition Tan Before Day Of Competition

* Shower before your appointment! Any residue left on skin may act as a barrier between your skin and the DHA (the main ingredient that colors your skin).

* Come to your appointment with CLEAN SKIN. This means NO lotion, makeup, perfumes, deodorant, etc.

* After your session, be very careful around liquids. Any contact with water will cause marks/streaks to the tan.

* You may be sleeping in your tan so it is best to sleep in loose, long sleeve t-shirt and long loose pants. Be somewhat conscious of where/how you position yourself. For example, you don’t want your palms to be tanned or hand prints on your body so try to keep your hands away from your body. Try not to make skin to skin contact to avoid uneven markings, keep in mind that holding your arms in a bent position may create slight unevenness on the inner elbow. It will look like a white diamond shape. If sleeping with your tan on, make sure to rinse off in the morning but DON'T exfoliate or shave. You have already done that before your first tan and you don't want to streak your tan.

* Your face will be tanned during this session, unless you don't want it tan.

APPOINTMENT #2 – Your Competition Tan On The Day Of Your Competition

* Make sure your skin is clean and free of lotion, makeup, perfumes, deodorant, etc.

* This is the tan you will be walking on stage with.

* Be careful around liquids and going to the restroom.


You will get darker as the solution sets in to your skin and the hours go by. For obvious reasons, you will not want to perspire or sweat after your appointments! Bring an umbrella if it there is a remote chance of rain! Plan your day accordingly. It is best to be completely covered when you sleep! You don’t know what you do in your sleep, so if you rest your hand on your stomach, etc, you will wake up with a brown hand and a hand print on your stomach. It is best to wear long, loose pants like pajama bottoms and a long sleeve pajama top to bed. Covered from wrist to ankle! If you are driving in a car, place a sheet over the seat to sit on it.

Find out at the meeting when you will be going on stage. This will help me and you decide when to come see me for “touch ups” if needed. I will fix any little marks or mistakes you may have. You will look perfect when you leave to go to pre judging. Please remember to be aware of your surroundings and the others around you as well. You don't want to bump into people and get marks. WATER IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!!!!!!! CAREFUL WHEN DRINKING IT OR WHEN NEAR A SINK OR TOILET!


© 2025 by Paradise Airbrush Tanning, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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